Project Information

  • Category: Nike's Augmented Reality Case Study
  • Client: Penn State University

Nike's AR App

Project Summary
 Nike’s industry standing as a leader in athletic apparel and equipment is underscored by its rich heritage, robust financial performance, global market presence, and strategic adaptation to industry challenges. Embracing cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality (AR), the brand continually strives to redefine consumer interactions, foster innovation, and solidify its position as an industry trailblazer.
 We explore Nike's use of AR technology to provide consumers with virtual try-on experiences via the "Nike Fit" feature. The strategic AR integration aims to enhance consumer experiences, optimize operations, glean consumer insights, and sustain a competitive edge. The paper also provides background on Nike's industry position, financials, competitive strategy, and sustainability efforts while also exploring the social and ethical implications of AR usage, emphasizing privacy, security, and accessibility.