Research Paper Information

  • Category: Deep Learning : CNN Classification
  • Publication: Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics, Springer (ICDICI 2022 Conference)
  • Issue date: 03 December, 2022
  • Paper URL: pp 167–181

Applied Deep Learning for Safety in Construction Industry

Authors: Tanvi Bhosale, Kartik Bhat, Sampada Barhate, Ashwini Biradar, Jameer Kotwal; Springer, Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics - Part of the Algorithms for Intelligent Systems book series (AIS), pp 167–181. Issue- 03 December 2022.
 Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics - Presents my paper providing a comparative study of CNN Model and VGG-16 Model on Image Classification, which can be used to amplify object detection accuracy in Construction Industry for solving issues related to Safety of the workers using Image processing.

What was my Role?

  • Performed planning, requirement gathering, analysis and team discussion on various possible solutions for solving the life threatening situation of construction workers using technology.
  • Carried out data collection, image processing and CNN classification model implementation. Along with testing and re-improvising the CNN model.
  • Collaborated with teammates for combining different factors of the research for drafting the Research Paper. Provided the team with an wholesome view of the research which therefore helped the members tackle the QnA in the presentation given at the ICDICI virtual conference.
  • Technology Stack: Python and its libraries, VoTT anotation tool, Anaconda Jupyter notebook, Tensorflow, Keras.